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Opportunities to Serve at EBC



BLAST is designed to help prepare, solidify and encourage kids to move forward in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Kids will learn verses, hear Bible stories, play games, and have FUN! Kids will be divided by age group: Seekers: 3-5 years old, Explorers: K-3rd Grade, Voyagers: 4th-6th Grade.

Children's ministry

The Children's Ministry at EBC is home to infants through 6th graders. Our desire is to teach children of all ages that they are loved by rocking infants to sleep, reading a story to toddles, singing songs or explaining Bible lessons as they grow.


EBC's Unique Needs Ministry believes that all people are created in the image of God, are called by God, have special gifts, and are invited to participate in God's ministry. With this in mind, our purpose is to share God's love and compassion to each person whom God has brought us by creatively and uniquely teaching them God's Word, allowing them to worship in their own personal way, and providing them with fellow believers who will encourage and support them along the way.

One-on-one care providers (or "buddies") are an important part of our Unique Needs Ministry in that they provide direct, individualized, compassionate care to each child/adult in the program and have been trained to meet the specific goals for worship & teaching each family has requested.



EBC strives to consistently improve both our facility readiness and our welcoming face to visitors. The Sunday AM Host Team exists to achieve those goals.

There are many “behind-the scenes” tasks to conduct Sunday services and set the tone for fellowship: 

  • Set up WAC seating & adjust the thermostats
  • Brew the coffee & prepare Welcome Table
  • Greet & welcome worshipers (especially visitors)
  • Connect people with classes, places, information
  • Ushers who assist people with seating as well as taking the offering

Worship Team

Being a part of the music team at EBC is an exciting and important ministry opportunity! Whether behind the scenes with the AV team or leading worship from the front, all are important aspects in setting the tone for corporate worship.


The EBC Youth Ministry Team has three goals: Worship, Connect and Serve. Opportunities within the youth program consist of helping with Youth Group, Small Groups, and Bible Studies.