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Youth Ministry

Ministry Opportunities for Youth at EBC

Youth Ministry at Emmanuel

EBC Youth Group is for both Middle School and High School students (6th - 12th grade). It is a place for students to experience a safe and age-appropriate environment while learning about Jesus in a creative and relevant way. Youth Group is also a place where we will worship in music and use the Clothesline to prompt us in our prayers for one another. This year we want to use Youth Group to give students opportunities to put their faith into action.

Youth & Adults: looking for a few resources regarding current cultural questions and challenges? CLICK HERE for the Parent Resource List.

Bible Study

Bible Study & Small Groups on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 PM!

All students, grades 6-12, are welcome and invited to join Pastor Van for games, Bible teaching, Bible memory, and small group discussions. Get connected for accountability, encouragement, prayer, and learning. It is our desire that students will be consistently reading and obeying God’s Word!

Exciting news! On Wednesday nights, we will be memorizing scripture verses so students can earn “Youth Bucks.” Youth Bucks can be used to help cover the cost of upcoming youth events like a special Christmas concert with The Petersens, winter camp, summer camp, and other youth events. Or, Youth Bucks can be given away to help support a missionary!

In September we will be studying and memorizing Psalm 23 which will be worth 10 Youth Bucks!

This is a great opportunity for you to invite a friend!


Details for youth events are below the calendar-at-a-glance

Every Wednesdays: Bible Study & Small Groups, 6:30-7:30 PM

  • Sunday, November 17 – Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM
  • Thursday, November 28 – Thanksgiving Day
  • Saturday, December 7 – Encouragement Team, 9 -11 AM
  • Saturday, December 7 – Concert: Christmas with The Petersens
  • Sunday, December 8 – Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM
  • Sunday, December 15 - Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM
  • Wednesday, December 25 – Christmas Day

Youth Group on Sundays

Sunday Night Youth Group and Outreach Events with Blake, Drew, and crew.

All students in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for fun, games, prayer, and a Bible lesson. You don’t want to miss the exciting things planned on the following Sunday evenings from 6-7:30. This is a great opportunity for you to invite a friend. As always, please let us know if you need help with transportation.

Youth Group Dates:

Nov. 17

Dec. 8

Dec. 15

Opportunities to Grow & Serve

  • Sunday School Classes begin on Sunday, September 15 (8:45-9:45 AM). Students are encouraged to attend a class. There are also opportunities for students to serve during the Sunday School hour. Please see Pastor Van for more information.

  • Encouragement Team meets on the first Saturday of the month, 9 -11 AM. Give up part of your weekend to bless those in our church family who are elderly, shut-ins, or in the hospital or our recent grads who have moved away. This is a great ministry of letter writing, phone calls, visits, and prayer. Your whole family is welcome to come. (Nov. 2, and Dec. 7)

  • Leader Lunch is for those who are interested in learning more about student ministry and growing in your ability to minister to students. Leader training provides an opportunity for prayer and accountability as we endeavor to effectively disciple every student. Students who are juniors or seniors, please see Pastor Van if you are interested in being a student leader. Leader Lunch at Pastor Van’s house (301 S. Valley Rd), 1222 PM on Sept 29 and November 3.

Fantastic One-time, One-of-a-Kind Events

  • Football with Julia on Friday, November 15

Julia has been serving faithfully as one of our youth leaders. On Friday evening at 6 PM, Julia and girls from her dorm at Cedarville University, will be competing against girls from another dorm in the annual football game. 

Game Time: 6 PM at the Cedarville High School Football Stadium

No Cost

Meet at EBC at 5 PM, back to EBC by 8 PM

Please let me know by this Thursday, November 14 if you are coming so that we can provide transportation.

  • Christmas with the Petersens at Victoria Theatre in Dayton. Pastor Van’s favorite band is coming to Dayton, Ohio on Saturday, December 7! Ticket cost is $28 for students ($48 for adults) and includes a meet and greet with the band. The Petersens is Branson, Missouri’s #1 rated show. Save up your Youth Bucks for this amazing opportunity.

Fright Night Alive Detention Center Ministry

“Friday Night Alive” is a ministry designed to share the love of Jesus Christ with youth incarcerated in the Greene County Juvenile Detention Facility. Volunteers are trained and given the opportunity to share their story of faith with young people who desperately need Jesus.

2024 Medical Release Form

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning our EBC Youth experience or visiting Emmanuel with youth, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!